Bless your blissful personality

We, human beings, have complex personalities. We are never just one thing. We are always many things.

It’s ok to express ourselves in various ways and to forever explore the depths of our personalities. It’s ok to not want to fit in a box.

Our personalities unfold all throughout our lives, just like lotus flowers unfold their petals one by one.

Yet, sometimes this unfolding confuses us. Sometimes we forget we’re meant to be unique and that we’re meant to unfold in unique ways. Sometimes, feeling small and closed up feels safer than feeling big and unfolding.

Today, I want to remind you to bless your blissful personality. 

Let it unfold blissfully. Bless its every aspect.

You are all so different. You are all so beautiful. You are all so equally different and beautiful. 

We are like diamonds. Diamonds are unique, yet they are made of the same material.

Like diamonds, we have many different facets. When light shines from one side, some facets sparkle. When light shines from a different side, different facets sparkle. Different facets sparkle at different times. Different personality traits help us feel alive and joyful at different times.

When a facet sparkles, do you embrace that personality trait? 

Do you honestly accept it, celebrate it and honor it as uniquely yours, or do you cover it up because you don’t like the looks of it or because you feel confused?

Don’t let others tell you who you are. Others don’t know and are quick to put labels that serve their own best interests. 

They say you're “shy”, but maybe it’s just that ... you like to be left alone. 
They say you’re “angry”, but maybe it’s just that ... you're learning to not settle for powerlessness. 
They say you’re “quirky”, but maybe it’s just that ... you don’t want to cover up your uniqueness. 

Maybe you don’t have to show up the way others expect you to.

Sometimes we may think, I wish I didn’t have this personality trait. I wish I wasn’t this weird, this wacky or this abnormal. I wish I didn’t feel these weird callings surface from deep within my heart. I wish I was normal. Normal like all the other people who put a blanket on their diamonds. If only I could be more normal, I would fit in with all of them. I would be loved and accepted more.  

But no matter who and how you are, whether you’re…

… soft-voiced or loud-voiced 
… a harmony seeker or one who stirs things up
… a quiet one or one who makes a ruckus 
… a change lover or a stability lover
… one who likes to be alone or one who likes to be with others
… passionate or calm
… a revolutionary or a soother
… an explorer, a contemplator or anything else

Your personality is perfection dipped in bliss. 

Nothing about your personality is an accident. 

Today, take a moment and bless your blissful personality.


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